lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

Your Wife is HOT!!


That's the exact subject line I found in my inbox

yesterday. Of course I had to open it to see what it

was about and it was an advertisement on home air

conditioning. It brings up a good point though,

Your own subject lines should grab peoples attention.

Make people stop and take notice of you.

Click Here Now

Think of a conductor on a train, if he didn't get your

attention to let you know what the next stop and it was your

destination and you missed your stop you would be pissed

off at him right? Same principal at play if what you are

offering is a good (and it better be :)) product then you have

to get peoples attention.

Click Here Now

I pride myself in finding the best opportunities out there

and I want to get your attention so you don't miss your stop.

So just like "your wife is hot" I don't want you to miss

the home stop. Check this out and see if it works for you.

I think you'll really like it.

Click Here Now

Talk Soon XOXO,

Missy (don't miss your stop) Klien

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